Click this link to download the Sample Design Agreement.
Can this form be filled in electronically?
Unfortunately, the ACT EPDSS will not accept forms 3 and 4 using DocuSign. We will require a paper copy.
What do I do if I cannot scan the form?
Call us on 1300 979 658 and we will arrange for it to be picked up during business hours. Or you can take a photo and send via email to
What If I don’t have a printer?
We can send the customised design agreement to you by courier. This will already have your details on it. When you have filled it in, simply take a photo and email to
What do we if we need a new design agreement sent to us?
Email or call us on 1300 979 658 stating that you need a new design agreement and we will get a new one to you.
What do we do if we have our own site survey?
Select the box 'To arrange our own legal contours survey and supply you with the electronic CAD files' on form 2. Then email with both the PDF and DWG files of your survey. Without both files we will be unable to use your survey. If you don’t have the DWG file, please let us know and we will request it through the designs team.
What do we do if the property is not in our name yet – we have purchased, or it is in probate?
We will require your contract of sale (property) which contains the building file. This means we will not need to apply for your building file through Access Canberra, and it is not an issue that the property is not yet in your name. If the property is in probate, then you may need to provide a letter directly to the building file team. Generally, they are not overly helpful. However, we can guide you in this process.
Once we have downloaded and filled in the design agreement, what do we do with it?
Scan the form and email it to, or call us on 1300 979 658 and we will arrange to pick it up from you. If you cannot scan the document, you may take clear photos and email them to
How do I find my block and section number?
These will be prefilled in your design agreement forms. If you for some reason have a blank design agreement, please email us requesting the block and section and we will fix the issue.
What do I do if I need help filling out this form?
Feel free to call us on 1300 979 658 or email with any questions you may have.
Why do we need the building file search authority?
By signing the building file search authority form you give us permission to apply for your building files through Access Canberra. We require your building file to complete your commencement plans. The commencement plans tell us what is already approved on your property, and it gives us the basic dimensions of any structures you have.
What if we are only doing minor plans, like for an application for a driveway?
For very minor changes of plans please select the custom design option for $77 per hour including GST. If the changes are small, it may only take our designers a few hours and you will be invoiced accordingly.
Does designing with you require us to build with you?
When you design with us you have no obligation to proceed at any stage you wish to pull out. However, you will still be invoiced for the work completed on your design.